Professional Book Description

Professional Book Description

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You have an amazing manuscript; you took the time to proofread and edit it to perfection, you have an attention-grabbing cover, perhaps even beautiful illustrations in your book’s interior. At this point, we know how tempting it is to rush through a book description and dive headfirst into putting it out to market...

Stop right there!

You put so much effort into lovingly crafting your book. The absolute last thing you want is to do your book the injustice of slapping a poor description onto it and putting it out there, only to suffer slow sales and wonder where you went wrong.

Your book description is your book’s sales pitch to the reader. You are given a limited amount of characters to captivate a browser and turn them into your customer, even a loyal reader, and fan. Don’t waste this opportunity, and make every word count!

That's where we come in. 

Publish pages’ copywriters specialize in writing book descriptions that will help you maximize your book sales.

A great book description needs to:

  • Hook your reader from the very start
  • Present you as an authority in your niche, establishing you as an expert in your field
  • Speak to your unique audience’s specific pain points through researching your target audience
  • Tell readers exactly how they will benefit from your book, why they need your book
  • Captivate readers into wanting more and ultimately completing that purchase.

Our package includes:

  • A professional and optimized book description, with sales, copy written by an experienced Native English speaker and writer 
  • 100% Non plagiarized and original content
  • HTML formatting, perfect for KDP
  • Up to 3 revisions within 10 days of receiving your description
  • Quick turnaround times
  • Additionally, we offer add-ons such as additional hooks, Facebook ad copy (for FICTION books only), and an author bio


Where can I use my professional book description?

Your book description will be given to you in HTML format, as well as a standard text document. It is perfect for IngramSpark, Amazon KDP, Audible, your own website, or any other platform where you can upload your book to be sold or distributed. 

What do you need from me in order to complete my book description?

We require you to fill out our form above, include your author name, book title and subtitle, and a brief summary (about 1-2 paragraphs) of what your book is about. Things to include are your characters' names, the genre, the intended audience, etc.

You can also include your manuscript via the upload option above.

Why should I opt for a professional book description?

There are many reasons to go the professional route when it comes to your book description.

  • You might be a great storyteller, but copywriting isn't your strong suit. Publish Pages uses an experienced team of copywriters to write book descriptions, or rather, book ads that sell your books so you can make more royalties. Period.
  • You have a book description already, and sales are slow or mediocre. It might be time to re-vamp that book description or scrap it completely for a better one. High-quality descriptions directly correlate to higher sales, sometimes as much as 50% more! Never leave money on the table.
  • You're too close to the source material, you can't help but want to tell everything about your book in your book description. You know that the reader will be just as attached to your work as you are. You're wrong. While it's great that you stand behind your work, a book description is no place to gush about it. Your book description is not just a summary of your book, it is your book's sales pitch, it's an ad and a promise. All great ads speak directly to the target audience's pain points or desires and promise to either solve a problem or give the buyer something they want. A great book description will let the reader know that exactly what they need is between the covers of your book. And this is what we do best!

How do I know what kind of quality I can expect? Do you have any samples of your descriptions?

Yes, we do! Check out samples of our fiction and non-fiction descriptions here:



Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jay Foster
This Is The Go-To Trusted Company For All My Writing Needs

The non-fiction description I ordered from this company was the best advertisement for my book. I suggest that it would be worth your while as an author to get a professional description to improve the sale of your books. An excellent description will adequately advertise your book to potential customers. I believe the emotional, heartfelt description I got help me increase my book sale. A book description is like a commercial to sell your product. I was pleased with the incredible job this company did with mine. I recommend that you hire this professional company for all your projects; you won't be disappointed.